Election Integrity

The US Constitution guarantees governmental leaders who are not dictators. Rather, ultimate power is held by the citizens who vote for their elected officers.

Fair and Secure Elections are required for any Republic.

Constitution: Article 4 - The States, Section 4 - Republican Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, …..

Republic: A government in which power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote; and is exercised by elected representatives responsible to them, and governing according to the laws.

Clean Election Bill

Phill Kline of American Voters’ Alliance, and Dr. Naomi Wolf at DailyClout, teamed up to draft this model bill to clean up US elections.  It is designed to be implemented in every state.


The bill:

Ensures paper ballots  (critical for election auditability)

But Why is a Clean Election Bill Needed?  

Election Cheating - Cheating to alter or "steal" an election is obviously unconstitutional.  See the next page for numerous cheating methods that have been used. Link

If it is possible to cheat in elections – someone is probably cheating.  There is simply too much power at stake.

It is the responsibility of state and local governments to run honest, fair and secure elections.  They need to prove to their citizens that the elections are legitimate.

Illustrate Absurdity be Being Absurd - Rush Limbaugh

Does your city use voting machines that were not allowed to be inspected (a black box) by the candidates/citizens?
Bring a black box to the city council and ask them if they would be willing to let this tabulator count their votes for the council. Why not?

Does your county not allow the paper ballots to be audited to check for accuracy and legitimacy?

Bring Monopoly money to the county meeting and offer to pay your taxes with it. If they will not accept counterfeit money, why would they accept counterfeit ballots?